EASTER 205 The Day of Resurrection Ps. 118: 15 7. 6. 7. 6. D. Anastaseohs hehmera John of Damascus, c. 750 Tr., John M. Neale, 1818–1866 Lancashire Henry Smart, 1836 it a her may a song see out Let That Earth, earth we tell gin, right broad, be let hearts day the be of Our 1 The 2 3 Now ful, vil tion, res be from ur heav’ns pure joy e rec there tion of is all in. light God. ver rec that ur o The The Let Pass Lord world rays ver the in o res keep e of all umph nal ness. Pass And Of The tri ter glad of so world glad calm to May Their From notes hear, this blend; plain, sky, ness and the things, t’ning to to seen life all lis death Let And, From seen, cents, nal, and ac ter e His un no tor to end. strain. ry. joy, raise hymns hath vic vic that the of A men. brought hail!” the “All hath hath and, us Lord For His Our Christ own Christ en,— ing, ver With Our May hear ris o